Friday, October 28, 2011

Bears - Guest blog by The General

I've been keeping a weather eye on the bear situation for a while now.  I observe them, I learn from them, and I hunt them.
Watching bears.  Typical Saturday.
There are a few things about bears that I can respect.  One:  they can find food anywhere, just like me.  Two:  They aren't afraid to crap in the woods, just like me.  Three:  they know the importance of quality sleep.

Hibernating.  In a den.  Bears got this idea from me.
Though bears clearly have some things going for them, there are also some obvious problems.  First and foremost, they are bigger than me.  I don't respect it, and I don't trust it.  Hand to hand combat often comes down to size and ability to grow body hair, and most people would therefore lose to a bear.  Luckily, I am trained in the marital arts.  Therefore, I make it my duty to hunt bears.

The General: 1, Bears: 0

That is all.  Class dismissed.

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