Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Crack pockets

This Easy Eats recipe is brought to us by a very dear friend, cohort, and drinking support group member of mine.  (Clarification: the group supports drinking among its members).  Lauren embodies all that I love in a friend - hilarious, gorgeous, loyal, and an impressive set of cooking skills.

This particular recipe was introduced to a ravenous group of hungover 29ish year olds, and instantly became a hit.  They were quickly dubbed "crack pockets" due to their addictive qualities.

What you need:
crescent roll dough of any variety - how much depends on how many pockets you want.
chocolate peanut butter or nutella
granulated sugar (NOT powdered)

Step 1: Mix 1/3 cup sugar with about 1.5 tbsp cinnamon.  Pour some of the mix into a bowl.

Step 2:  Unroll the crescent dough, and put a dab of the chocolate PB at the fat end of each triangle.

Step 3:  Fold the dough around the pb and push shut the edges to seal in the PB.

Step 4:  Place the dough pocket into the cinnamon and sugar mix, and roll it around to coat the dough.

Step 5:  Place pockets onto a cookie sheet and bake per the instructions on the crescent package.  The seems will poof out, so you will be able to see some non-cinnamony dough in order to check for when it is "golden brown."  Typically, it takes about 10 mins at 375.
Serve warm and enjoy!!!  I also recommend that you yell, "THANK YOU LAUREN!" after your first bite.

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