Monday, July 11, 2011

Fiber: Get you some! Artichokes

Like most gals my age (let's just say over 25), I am forever on a diet.  Whether I am strict about it or not is an entirely separate issue, of course.  But anyway, my diet goes with a mix of high fiber healthy crap (in so many ways) and high protein/low fat.  Does it work?  When you actually stick to it, yes.  As always, laziness is key.  What is a good diet go-to and the easiest thing of all time to prepare?  An artichoke.  Oh yes, in your FACE, devil of the diet!  I found something that will taste good, will be easy to make, and will make me lose weight.  Save your delicious pizza for a weaker being.

What you need:  a large artichoke, light mayo, apple vinegar, balsalmic vinegar, and a large pot with water.

How to:
Cut the tip off the stem of the artichoke.
   *Note:  Throw the tip of the stem away.  If you leave it on the counter, your very bad counter-height doberman will grab it.  As you chase him while threatening to use your flip flop as a sorority paddle, the dog will naturally panic and attempt to swallow the evidence whole.  He will then begin to choke, and you will need to forego the flip flop plan in favor of the canine Heimlich, which is something that I am sadly an expert at performing.

Fill the pot up with water, to about an inch under the top of the pot.  Throw the artichoke in there and turn the heat on medium and let it sit for about an hour.  If you want to get really fancy, you can rotate the 'choke every now and then.

In the last 5 mins of cooking, prepare the dip: per serving, about 1/3c light mayo, mix in 1 tbsp cider vinegar, 1 tsp balsalmic, and mix thoroughly.  Adjust vinegar to taste depending on how tart you like it.

Voila, dip and enjoy!  I usually enjoy it with a glass of skim milk to throw in some protein.


  1. You have inspired me to cook an artichoke. One is on the stove in the steamer right now!
