Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How to maintain a healthy lifestyle with General Kane

The key to life is keeping a strict schedule.  After eating my cereal in the mornings, I like to get some exercise by running the perimeter of the property with my dog.  This gets my blood flowing.  We then venture inside to see me roommate off to work.  It is then time for the morning nap.
This is me napping with my old dog Lucy.

Sometimes I was unable to nap with my dog because we often like to stretch out.
Following our naps, I like to record things in my journal (I dictate).  This helps me remember things when it comes time to do my accounting on Tuesday.  Ever since my retirement from the service, I have been a man of leisure with the exception of a brief stint as a forest ranger.  That's why I know so much stuff about stuff and why I am so comfortable peeing in the woods.

It is important to eat dinner immediately after my roommate gets home from work, followed by another run of the perimeter.  We then prepare ourselves for bed.  It is important to always regulate sleeping temperature using one leg extended from under the covers.  Try it, and you will thank me.
Temperature regulation

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