Sunday, August 21, 2011

Kielbasa: Looks like a turd, but it tastes absurd

I love sausage, and don't even try to take that to the gutter.  Sausage is one of the few fabulous things in this world that is perfect in any meal, no matter what time of day.  My two favorites are chorizo, and smoked kielbasa (for fellow dieters out there, they do make "Lite Kielbasa" now, which is almost as good as the real thing).  So, yes, let's speak Polish for a while.  My favorite way to eat kielbasa is straight off the grill.
Deeelish.  Here are a few other ways to get your smokey on:

Kielbasa stir fry
Slice up a mix of red, green, and yellow bell peppers, and some onions.  Sautee the veggies in a frying pan with some butter while you throw the kielbasa on the grill.  When the veggies are almost cooked (the onions won't quite be transluscent), slice up the kielbasa and throw it in.  Also, stir in just enough spaghetti sauce to coat everything.  Either serve over penne pasta, or eat plain.

Bad Kid Kielbasa
A favorite of mine (shocking).  Grill kielbasa and cook up some Kraft Mac 'n Cheese (or make mac n cheese from scratch, which will show up on here after the diet is over).  Slice and add to the mac.

Sweet Kielbasa
In a large pot, mix 2 cups of ketchup, two chopped bell peppers, half a chopped onion, a 15 oz. can of undraind pineapple chunks,and 3/4 c brown sugar.  Mix everything together and add 2 lbs. of sliced kielbasa (no need to preheat).  Bring the mixture to a slow boil, and then take the temp down to a simmer and cook until the veggies are done.

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