Monday, August 1, 2011

It's getting hot in here...

Yes, I did just bust out some old school Nelly for you. 

Anyway, I am serious, it is literally getting hot as Hades all over the country these days.
Virginia, 2011
So what's a girl to do when she has guests (or is just plain bored)?  Obviously, the answer is to cool off with a refreshing and unique beverage: the beerita.  How did I come up with the beerita?  It was equal parts creativity, desperation, and adventure.  My initial attempt at the drink was the frozen variety.  I learned two things that night:  1. do not operate a blender after you have been drinking, and 2. do not add the beer until after the blending is complete or it will literally rain on your parade.

So, first, you need winning ingredients:

light beer, 1 can frozen limeade, silver tequila, and a very girly pitcher to class it up
Pour the limeade, 12 oz. silver tequila, 1 bud light (or other light beer), and 16 oz. water into the pitcher and stir (alternatively, pour everything but the beer into a blender with ice and blend til uniformly slushy, add the beer afterwards).  Pour into a glass with ice.
Enjoy the beverage slowly, with a friend, or in the alternative, quickly by yourself
After you are done with drink 1, refill, and keep going til the pitcher is empty.  You will then be faced with an important decision: make another vs. fall asleep on the couch while watching The Goonies.  By the end of the night, things look more like this:
Thank you to Moni and Cory for not letting me drink my pitcher alone.  True friends.

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