Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Culinary trickery for dieters

Diets.  Diets SUCK.  For the most part, diets also do not work because I get very irritable and aggressive and will end up pouncing on a small child and stealing his delicious Whopper without any hint of remorse.  There is, of course, the bribe system:  “If you lose ten pounds, you can buy another (10) pair(s) of shoes.”  That will work only until you realize you can go spend money you don’t have without achieving any accomplishment, and you end up with shoes and a Whopper which is a self rewarding and dangerous path to go down. 

So anyway, the point is that in order to have any chance of diet success, I have to resort to trickery.  Whoa, a lawyer using trickery, imagine that! *insert the lawyer jokes*  Life advice: self-trickery is always acceptable, unless you have an ugly baby…you just can’t spring an ugly baby on people while wailing about how cute he/she is  (yeah, I said it, hold your hate mail because though it may be harsh, it is true, and victims need to know that it will lead to awkward social situations).

One of my favorite healthy tricks these days is what I like to call “fro’ yo’, just kidding!”  As with all my food suggestions, the result is super easy and delicious and satisfying.  The key is low or nonfat vanilla Greek yogurt.  I highly recommend Chobani…it is more expensive than a lot of the other brands out there, but with this dish, texture and taste are VERY important to its purpose.  Chop up either strawberries or peaches and throw it on top of a serving of the vanilla Chobani.  Throw it in the freezer for about 5 – 10 mins to chill, and the taste and texture = fro yo with fresh fruit.  The Greek yogurt is high protein, which is super duper for a good diet.  The whole thing is filling and it makes you feel like you are eating dessert instead of a very healthy dinner.  You can adjust quantities of course to whether you’d like it as a meal vs. a snack, etc., but there ya go…trickery that works.  No Whopper today.

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