Sunday, July 17, 2011

Who cares if it is rabbit food?

Weekends are always tough, because the absence of regular working hours means that there is more time to scavenge for delicious whoppers.  Soooo, again we get into culinary trickery.  I have found that I basically operate like a raccoon:  if something is shiny or colorful, it can entertain me for hours.  Since sprinkling food with diamonds would be a waste, and decorating it with glitter would be downright dangerous, I usually go with color.  Sidenote:  I know glitter is dangerous, because I got a piece lodged in my eye when I was a kid.  At the time I noticed it, I had been seeing how long I could stare at the sun (I wish I was joking).  I thought for years that the glitter came from the sun.  Anyway, my mom had to lock me into a vice grip so that a very nasty doctor could use a NEEDLE to get the damn metal out of my eye, and then I had to wear an eye patch to school for a week (yarrrrrr!).  So yes, glitter is dangerous.

Salads bore me, so I have to get sassy with mine in order to launch them into the irresistable category.  Here is one of my favorites:

Lay down a nice bed of baby spinach
slice some strawberries or ripe peaches and pop them on to the spinach
Sprinkle on some crumbled goat cheese (you can find this near the crumbled bleu cheese in most grocery stores)
tear up some cooked chicken breast and put it on top (I usually use Oscar Meyer Southwestern flavored chicken strips for the sake of ease)

If you are going with a side salad, take off the chicken to keep it a side, but usethe chicken for a meal to keep the protein up.  You can use balsalmic vinagrette or you can go with my favorite dressing for this salad - reduced fat poppyseed dressing.  It is delish.

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