Sunday, July 17, 2011

Martinis are always the answer

As some of my friends may recall, a few weeks ago I was REALLY excited about spreading Weed and Feed all over my yard (excited because 1. I don't do yardwork and 2. I was actually doing something other than sitting on the couch on a weekend).  Anyway, yeseterday I realized that most of my yard is now dead, which supports my position that I am more of an indoor girl (even though I really don't do any cleaning whatsoever, and I consider laundry to be an act of the devil). 

Anyway, as I was gazing over the lawn, I realized that there was really only one thing to do to fix the situation:  drink.  And so I did.  I am the queen of fake martinis -I say fake because they are usually pink, and I use vodka instead of gin.

Here is one of my favorite go-tos:

throw some ice into a shaker
put in about 4 shots of vodka (unless you are less of a woman than I, in which case 3)
then fill the rest of the shaker with about 2/3 light cranberry juice and 1/3 grapefruit tangerine juice (Giant has one of these - Ruby Red Tangerine)
Shake it up (I prefer to involve some sort of awesome dance with this to make it fancy)
Pour it into some sort of beachy looking glass and enjoy.

And thank you to Mary Q for requesting some of the classics for this blog!  I wish I had a picture to include but I already drank the whole shaker.  Oops. Settle for this:

Call me, James.

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