Monday, July 11, 2011

How to bring down the house - fried food win

After taking two years off from attempting fried food, I revisited the idea with something that makes a heart attack worth it - fried soft shell crab BST (bacon, sprouts, tomato).  Success, finally.

Track down some soft shell crabs at the grocery store and remove the plate of the crab (the only non edible part of a soft often already comes prepared by the grocery store so you may or may not have to do this)

Put the soft shell crabs in a bowl and cover with buttermilk and let them soak in the fridge for an hour.
In the meantime, make a mixture of flour, salt, and pepper.  I wish I could tell you how much, but like most things in life, I just winged it til it looked pretty.

Heat oil to 375 F - see previous blog post for warnings.

Coat the buttermilk crabs in the flour mixture on both sides, and drop into the oil.  Warning: The crabs can pop when frying, so stand clear of the pan (I like to do the "hurl the crab and run" method).  Cook the crabs til golden brown on each side (about 4 mins per side, give or take)

While the crabs are cooking, throw some bread slices into the toaster, and slice up some tomato.  Also, throw some bacon into the microwave (yes, I am a lazy one).  When the crabs are done frying, place them on some paper towels to drain off the excess oil and to crisp up.

Dress the toast with mayo, sprouts (I prefer alfalfa), tomato slices, bacon, and the crab and voila!  Win.

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